How Should a Christian Teen Approach Dating And Relationships?

Dear teens,

I believe it is important to address the topic of dating and the use of technology in relationships. The teenage years can be an exciting time to explore new relationships, but it is important to approach dating with a wisdom and intentionality.

One of the most common mistakes young people make in dating is sending pictures and texting the opposite sex. While technology has made it easier to get in touch with people, it has also made it easier to engage in inappropriate behavior. Sending pictures or engaging in suggestive texting can harm you and the other person involved, even if it started off innocently.

As Christians, we are called to honor God and His commands in all areas of our lives. This includes how we interact with members of the opposite sex. The Bible is clear that we are to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). This means abstaining from any behavior that leads us down that path, whether it be physically or digitally.

Additionally, we should always consider the potential consequences of our actions. Sending pictures or engaging in inappropriate texting can have long-lasting consequences. It can damage relationships, hurt our reputation, and potentially lead us down a path we never intended to go.

Instead of relying on technology to build relationships, I encourage young people to focus on building healthy, face-to-face relationships. Spend time getting to know someone in person, without the distraction of phones and social media. This will allow you to truly get to know the other person and build a relationship based on trust and respect.

In conclusion, dating as a young teen can be a thrilling and exciting time. But it is important to approach it with wisdom and intentionality. As Christians, we are called to honor God in all areas of our lives, including how we interact with members of the opposite sex. So, let’s make sure that we focus on building healthy, face-to-face relationships, and avoid engaging in any behavior that brings dishonor to ourselves and to our Lord.


Holland PCG